How to Stay Active While Working From Home

Creating a physical activity plan is vital to sustaining good health while working from home. While the traditional office environment may have you spending hours in front of the computer, working from home can make it easy to fall into a sedentary routine. It’s important to balance sitting and standing time, as sitting for long periods can put a strain on the body. Fortunately, there are many ways to stay active and promote good health while at home.


Tips to maintain good health while working from home

Being sedentary for long periods is not good for your health. Even if you’ve done your exercise routine for the day, sitting at a desk for hours on end can put you at increased risk for heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.

The solution? Set a timer that will remind you to get up and move for a few minutes every hour. When it goes off, get up and grab a healthy snack, walk up and down the stairs, or even do some quick jumping jacks to get your heart pumping and boost your energy.

One way to stay physically active while working from home is to exercise outside. Exercising outdoors is more fun and more beneficial than exercising in your living room. Taking a walk or jogging is an excellent way to keep fit without sacrificing your workday. 

Getting outside for a brisk walk is a great way to burn off calories during the day and is a good option for people who work from home. Throughout your workday, look for reasons to stand up and move. Walk while you are on the phone, Walking has been shown to improve mood, stimulate creativity, and enhance focus, making it an all-around win for your health and productivity.

In any case, you can’t work out outside, you can still stay active by doing home workouts. Simple household items such as a bag of sugar, cans of soup, or a bottle of laundry detergent can be used as weights. It’s important to keep in mind that working from home can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and can be dangerous for your health and staying fit is essential for keeping your mind sharp and avoiding stress. 

Whether you prefer to do a workout indoors or walk around the neighborhood, it’s essential to get your heart pumping to stay healthy and fit especially during these times, when we spend most of our days indoors. It may take some creative thinking and self-discipline, but it’s important for both your physical and mental health to remain active even when working from home.

If you’re struggling to maintain your health while working from home, then contact Complete Therapies today for specialized therapy services.